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Marianne Behaeghel has taught visual arts to both adults and children for many years in various schools in London and Brussels. After a master in set design at La Cambre in Brussels, she has completed a master in arts and education at City University of London. Her passion for creativity has led her to complete a certification in creative thinking testing at the Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development (University of Georgia, US) along with a creativity development coaching training at L’école de la Créativité, in Belgium. She regularly leads creativity development workshops and seminars for adults, both in corporate and educational environments. Marianne teaches art at St John’s International School and Creativity Fitness at the College of Art & Design, in Brussels. Marianne has created the Creativity Fitness program that is dedicated to developing the 4 creative attributes developed by Dr. Ellis Paul Torrance(1): fluency, flexibility, elaboration and originality. Marianne believes that we are more productive and engaged when we have fun so her Creativity Fitness workshops are structured around games and inspiring challenges. Participants learn how to use various creativity development techniques to develop new ideas or projects and find innovative solutions.

The Search for Satori and Creativity (Torrance, E. P. 1979).

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